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文档介绍:Gmat 考试逻辑试题 90 题(1)
1. Although 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well inFORMed ts found in Japanese prints that are highly estee
11. The average cable television company offers its
customers 50 channels, but new fiber-optic lines will enable telephone companies to provide 100 to 150 television channels to their customers for the same price as cable companies charge for 50. Therefore, cable companies will be displaced by the new companies within a few years.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to strengthen the argument?
The initial cost per household of installing new fiber-optic television service will exceed the current cost of installing cable television service.
The most popular movies and programs on channels carried by cable companies will also be offered on channels carried by the fiber-optic lines owned by the telephone companies.
Cable television companies will respond to competition from the telephone companies by increasing the number of channels they offer.
Some telephone companies own cable companies in areas other than those in which they provide telephone services.
The new fiber-optic services offered by telephone companies will be subject to more stringent governmental
programming regulations than those to which cable companies are now subject.
The only physical factor


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