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【sal, and the issue of the code of conduct;;4, weekly work moral education work:1, at least once a month, the theme of education activities, to patriotism education, behavior norms of education as the focus, bined with major retreat , the monthly class quantization assessment and class teacher assessment, selection of behavior for the standard model education in each term:1, at the end of each semester to form ”three good student“, ”outstanding student cadres“, ”civilized student“.2, at least once a semester, parents will be.,Student etiquette conventionA, the school leavers1, dress neatly to wear school card, step posture correct, full of spirit; cycling of the same students, at the school gate and get off, go to the car line of the school; are not allowed to ride a bycle in the cus, bycle according to the specified location;;2, no time to school, had to leave special reason to leave school early to school, the teacher signature issued on release;3, order out of the school gate, not chasing;B, classroom activities4, the classroom desks and chairs, arranged in order, decorate beautiful;5, the students on duty should promptly clean the blackboard, sweep the floor, turn off the lights, close the doors and dows, lock the door;6, keep the classroom clean, no spitting, no littering debris and other debris;7, not in the desk, doors and dows, walls, Painted graffiti graffiti board;8, the preparation of the bell ring, sitting in their own position, and do a good lesson preparation, keep the classroom quiet;9, when the class to stand up to the teacher Shi Hangli; class speech first raise their hands;10, listen to raise their hands to answer questions, to stand up to loud sounds;L1, not to be late, do not leave early, not late into the classroom to play in the doorway shouting ”r