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高中英语听力突破II Unit 10(二)英语听力 试题.doc

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高中英语听力突破II Unit 10(二)英语听力 试题.doc

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高中英语听力突破II Unit 10(二)英语听力 试题.doc


文档介绍:高中英语听力突破II Unit 10〔二〕
6. Wh. It is easy to carry.
14. What is the price of the product?
A. $ 99. B.$ 500. C. $ 599.
Text 6
W: Hi, Tom. Where are you going?
M: I am going downtown to the auction.
W: What auction?
M: The radio auction. It begins today at noon. Have you heard about this kind of auction?
W: No, what happens?
M: Well, people and business donate all kinds of things. You can get some great deals. Once I got a $ 50 card for the downtown bookstore for only $ 30.
W: Sounds pretty good. How do you get the things?
M: Well, you can just listen to the radio and call in the amount you want to pay for something. Or you can come downtown with me if you want. I’m going to the park, where they are broadcasting the auction, if you are there you can call out your bid. The highest bidder wins.
Text 7
M: I’d like a single room for tonight.
W: Yes, sir. Have you booked a room?
M: I’m sorry I haven’t.
W: Let me see. With or without a bath?
M: I’d prefer a room with a bath.
W: We have an inside room with a bath on the 5th floor. If you prefer an outside room, it’s on the 7th floor, but without a bath.
M: How much are they?
W: The room with a bath is seventy dollars and the one without is fifty dollars. The rate is cheaper by the week.


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