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摘 要
如今动平衡技术已经非常成熟,但是传统的动平衡机只能完成转子的动平衡测试,而很多情况下转子的动平衡校正还是由人工完成,所以生产 milling cutter tool nose are the main factors, as well as phase error and place deviation of correction plane.
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Then the relationship between feed volume and unbalance quality is analyzed, on the basis of whichthe de-weighting mathematical model is established. Besides, the possible amending error is theoretically analyzed.
For the research of the controlling system, the skeleton of the mechanical configuration and the controlling formula are firstly introduced. Servo system is a key technology to the realization of automatic de-weighting and to ensure the correcting precision. So, the key technology of servo system is also researched in this paper, including spindle servo and feeding servo system. For the spindle servo system, the focus is on the research of the speed adjusting principle and the method of position controlling. For the feeding servo system, the principle of pulse parison is firstly introduced, then some key circuits are designed and analyzed. Besides, the electronic gear used in the AC servo system is also researched. For the software, the de-weighting procedure is designed.
Keywords:Dynamic Balancing, Automated Balancing Machine, Milling Dosa
目 录
1 绪论1
2 转子的动平衡原理5
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3 全自动动平衡机的系统构架13
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