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The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the cement-making process, and how cement is eliminated. Next, the gum is passed into another container/place and the desired flavorings, sweeteners and softeners are added This mixture is blended until all of the ingredients are mixed together. The gum then travels/passes to a different machine which uses rollers to flatten out the gum. Finally the thin sheets of gum are cut into rectangular shapes and broken into separate pieces then the gum passes / travels along a conveyor belt where it is enclosed in packaging ready for distribution.

The diagram below shows how fruit is canned. 
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The diagram shows the process of canning fresh fruit. First the fruit is picked from trees by hand. It is then transported to the cannery by large trucks. At the cannery the fruit is washed and quality checked, and any poor quality fruit is rejected. The good quality fruit is put into cold storage. When it is ready for canning the fruit is weighed and graded. The grading ensures that fruit of a similar size is kept together. After this the fruit is peeled and the cores are removed. It is then sliced into the required sizes and put into cans. Juice or syrup is also added to the cans. Once the cans have been filled, they are sealed and cooked over heat to ensure that the cans are sterilized. When the cans are cool, labels are attached and they are placed into
storages. The canned fruit is now ready to be despatched to supermarkets and sold.

The diagram below shows the process of making chocolate. 
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Chocolate's varied flavours, colours, shapes and textures result from different recipe traditions. Which have evolved in different parts of the world. The essential ingredient in all choc