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上传人:lajie 2022/2/15 文件大小:30 KB





第 2 页 共

Lady and Genlenmen:
  Welcome to HunLunbeier Grassland! First of all, I"d like to tell you why People call this bdautiful grassland Hulunbeier grassland. There is a moving legend behind it. A long, long time ago there lived a couple of lovers on the grassland. The girl was a Hu lun. The boy was Bei Er. One day a demon chief called Mang Gusi abducted HuLun and dried up the grassland. The grass withered and yellowed and domestic animals died one after order to save the grassland and Hu Lun, BeiEr traved a great distance on foot, chasing after Mang Gasi day and night. Finally, he fainted from exhaustion. In his weakened state, he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned Hu Lu,Bei Er traveled a great distance on foot, chasing after Mang Gasi day and night. Finally, he fainted from his weakened state, he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned Hu Lun into a flower which was and suffering from the windy dream in front of him. He immediately watered the flower and broke the spell. Hu Lun changed back into her former self. But the demon chief would not give up. H


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