文档介绍:三峡大学硕士学位论文I三峡大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明,本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:日期:万方数据三峡大学硕士学位论文II内容摘要收入分配是“民生之源”,农民收入分配不仅是一个经济问题,还是一个社会问题和政治问题,该问题的妥善解决直接关系到农村经济发展和社会的和谐稳定。改革开放36年来,我国农村的发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,农民收入显著提高,然而,与农村经济发展形成鲜明对比的是农民收入分配差距过大和较严重的贫富悬殊问题,这显然是与社会主义和谐社会公平正义的内在要求是相悖的。尤其在我国广大贫困地区,各种矛盾和问题容易被放大,农民收入分配问题被暴露得更明显,农民对提高收入水平,实现社会公平的诉求也更加强烈。本课题立足我国当前实际国情,从解决农村贫困问题和促进经济社会发展实际需求出发,梳理西方经济学界收入分配理论和马克思主义收入分配理论及其中国化发展作为理论支撑,以国家级贫困县——孝昌县为例,研究了孝昌县农民收入分配的问题。首先,介绍了孝昌县经济发展和农民收入分配问题的现状;接着,从自然环境、农民自身素质、国家制度性障碍、经济制度政策倾斜等方面分析了造成孝昌县农民收入水平低,农民收入差距拉大的原因;最后,提出解决孝昌县农民收入分配问题的对策:必须大力发展孝昌县县域经济,做大农民收入分配的“蛋糕”,要努力提高农民的自身素质,同时要发挥政府调控收入分配的核心作用、外部环境对调控收入分配的保障作用和第三种力量对收入分配调节的补充作用。关键词:e distribution is the "source of wellbeing." The e distribution is not only an economic issue, but also a social and political issues, and the proper solution of the problem is directly related to economic development and social harmony and stability in rural areas. Since reform and opening up 36 more years ago, thedevelopment of China's rural areas has made remarkable achievements, and farmers ' e increased significantly. With the rapid development of rural economic in stark contrast , is the disparity of wealth and the e disparities problem. But also not fit with the core value ofa harmonious socialist society. Thevarious contradictions and problems are likely to be amplified in poor areas of China, farmers' e distribution issues are exposed more clearly. What’s more, the farmers are more eager to improve the e and seriously demand the social fairness andjustice. The paper bases on the actual conditions of China, regards from the reality of rural poverty and theactual needs of social economical development, takes the Western economists e distribution theory ,Marxist theory of e distribution and the theories