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. z.
21. 对于*人来说很熟悉 be familiar to sb.
22. 因为…而著名 be famous for
23. 作为…而著名 be fam86. 放弃 give up
87. 看一眼glance at/towards/up
88. 复习; 走到另一边去;检查 go over
89. 出去;(灯火)熄灭 go out
90. 走上前去 go up to
91. 完成目标 achieve a goal
92. 进球 score a goal
93. 黄金时代 golden age
94. 对*人/*物有好处 be good for sb.
95. 好多 a good many
96. 认为理所当然 take it for granted that
97. 因…感谢*人be grateful to sb. for sth./doing sth.
98. 感谢地 with gratitude
99. 用微笑/吻来迎接/招呼*人 greet sb. with a smile/kiss
100. 人口的增长 the growth of population
养成做*事的习惯 form a habit of doing sth/ get in to a habit of doing
切成两半 cut sth by half/ into halves
手拉手 hand by hand
上交 hand in
碰巧做 sb. happens to do= It so happens that
刻苦工作 be hard at work
对…有害 do harm to= be harmful to
和睦相处 live in harmony
在*方面有问题/困难 have problems/ trouble/ difficulty with sth.
前往 head for
身体安康良好 in good health
听说,得悉, hear about
心脏病 heart trouble
全心全意地 heart and soul
用心记忆,暗记 learn sth. by heart
剧烈的讨论 heated discussion
帮助*人做*事 help sb. with/ (to) do sth.
在…的帮助下 with the help of
毫不犹豫 without (any) hesitation
隐藏 hide sth. from = conce