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阅读online education 不好:
1. 不知道都学了什么课,和传统教育的课程不一样
2. 学生缺乏 social ab 2 恐龙的骨头里有 chemical element 污染的痕迹
3 sudden flood 把它们给淹死了。
1 如果被泥困住,会挣扎。
2 跟 dinosaur 同生的一种 fish 都没死,恐龙就死了
3 恐龙的 head 是 towards its tail 的,从这个姿势判断,恐龙先死后被 flood 淹了。

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines,
and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public
figures and celebrities.
2. Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others
feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion?
3. Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times
throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you
- 2 -prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place?
4. Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for
some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
5. You have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry
you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend. Which would you buy?
6. Businesses