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文档介绍:Teaching plan for Book 4 Unit 4 Senses
Period 2
Teacher:张真居 Class 3 & 4 Grade 2
Teaching content: Part A & B1
What are they ? They are eyes。
What can you do with your eyes ? I can see with my eyes.(精品文档请下载)
What are they ? They are ears
What can you do with your ears? I can hear with my ears。(精品文档请下载)
What's this ? It’s a nose。
What can you do with your nose? I can smell with my nose.(精品文档请下载)
(While asking and answering the teacher write down the sentences ‘I can see with my eyes. I can hear with my ears。 I can smell with my nose.’on the board. )(精品文档请下载)
Read the sentences together。
See, see。 I can see with my eyes.
Hear, hear。 I can hear with my ears。
Smell, smell。 I can smell with my nose。
4. Lead the topic ‘ Sensens’
T: See, hear, smell 它们属于什么?
Ps: 感官.
T: Yes, they are senses. So today we’re going to learn ‘ Unit 4 Senses’ (Write it on the board)(精品文档请下载)
5. Learn ‘ I can see a …with my eyes.’
A。 Show a magic box and ask. T: What’s this ? Ps: It’s a magic box。 (精品文档请下载)
(Take out a monkey toy from the box and ask)
T: Look, what can you see? Ps :I can see a monkey.
T: Yes, I can see a monkey with my eyes. (板书)
B。 Show some pictures on the computer and ask and answer. ( T-〉P, P->P)(精品文档请下载)
What can you see? I can see a plane…with my eyes。
C。 Get pupils to look around the classroom and talk about w