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文档介绍:第 2 页
This is a application of Application Ser. No. 10/799,595, filed on Mar. 15, 2004 now . Pat. No. 7,081,700.[
d-effector tends to move out of the visual field or depth of focus of the microscope due to posture control operation. In such a case, the microscope and the distal end of the end-effector must be positioned again. This operation requires a long period of time.
第 3 页
It is an object of the present invention to provide a manipulator such as a compact manipulator apparatus which solves the above problems and manipulates a minute target object, and a minute object manipulating apparatus or the like using the manipulator.
In order to achieve the above object, according to the present invention, there is provided a manipulator comprising: a manipulation target object manipulating member being driven and controlled by a plurality of free rotation axes; all the plurality of free rotation axes crossing at one point; and, a manipulation distal end portion of the manipulating member being placed near the intersection.
According to this arrangement, the manipulator has a mechanism in which a plurality of (typically three) free rotation axes cross at one point, and the distal end portion of a manipulating member (end-effector) which manipulates a manipulation target object is placed near the intersection. With this structure, even if, for example, the posture of the end-effector is changed, its distal end portion can be made to remain within the visual field of a microscope.
第 5 页
The following embodiment can be provided on the basis of the above basic arrangement.
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the manipulating member is integrally mounted on a spherical shell movable member, the manipulation distal end portion of the manipulating member is placed near the center of the spherical shell movable member, the spherical shell movable member is in contact with a vibration member which can vibr


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