the Fair, including foreign trade companies, factories, scientific research institutions, foreign invested enterprises, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, private enterprises, etc【?t'set?r?】. The 101st fair saw 314 different companies from 36 countries.
The fair leans to export trade, though import business is also done here. Apart from the above-mentioned, various types of business activities such as
economic and technical corporations and exchanges, commodity inspection, insurance, transportation, advertising, consultation, etc. are also carried out in flexible ways.
2 地址:110届广交会共分三期,将在中国进出口商品交易会展馆(广州市海珠区阅江中路380号琶洲展馆)进行展览。其中,第一期的时间为:2022年10月15-19日;第二期:2022年10月23-27日;第三期:2022年10月31日-11月4日。现在我校各学院组织志愿者的招募工作,为110届广交会挑选、输送合适的志愿者。
3 服务内容:其中志愿者服务工作包括为中外商人做场馆道路指引,指导采购商进行办证,登记,行李安放等。是一个与外台,希望我院广大同学踊跃报名参与。
上午:8:00-12:00 (提供午餐)
下午:14:00-19:00 (提供交通补贴)
(1) 参加目的: 用心享受服务的过程,不为任何功利的目标驱使,不计较得失,单纯付出的过程是最纯净的也是最让人满足的,这样的工作是最快乐的,是身体累但是心里有不枯竭的动力。
(2) 英语问答
Can I take up some of your time? 我能占你点时间吗?
Would you please fill up this survey for me? 你能填下这张调查表吗?
Take the road on your right, go straight, turn left on the third red light, walk about 5 minutes, and you are there.
Continue on this direction, turn right at about 200 meters, it's on your left side. 这方向直走,200米后右转,你要去的地方在你的左手边。
You've just missed your turn. Go back to the first int