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One morning a fox saw a thought,"This is my breakfast.'' He
came up t the lion, but it never appeared.
Finally, he told the village chief to kill a cow and give him its hide. Draping the skin over his shoulders, he went to the pasture to wait for the lion. In the middle of the night, the villagers woke to the sound of blood-curdling shrieks coming from the pasture. As they carefully approached, they saw the hunter on the ground, groaning in pain. There was no sign of the lion. "What happened, Jonesie? Where is the lion?" asked the chief. "Forget the damn lion!" he howled. "Which one of you idiots let the bull loose?"

Weather Predict A film crew was on location deep in the desert. One
day an old Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow rain." The
next day it rained. A week later, the Indian went up to the director
and said, "Tomorrow storm." The next day there was a hailstorm. "This
Indian is incredible," said the director. He told his secretary to hire
the Indian to predict the weather. However, after several successful
predictions, the old Indian didn't show up for two weeks. Finally the
director sent for him. "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow," said the
director, "and I'm depending on you. What will the weather be like?" The
Indian shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know," he s


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