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文档介绍:Drills and Guide to Techniques of Listening Comprehension (the first period)
听力训练与解题技巧指导 (第一课时)
Where does thd the report about
the newly opened restaurant.
W: Well, if you carry on working like that, you’ll
make yourself ill.
are the two speakers going to plant
the tree? 09/1
 A. By the front door
B. At the back of the garage
 C. At the end of the garden
W: Where are you going to plant the tree?
by the front door?
M: No, that would be silly. It’ll grow too big.
I’m going to put it at the back of the garage.
W: I thought it … better right at the end of the garden.
M: OK.
W: Where are you going to plant the tree?
by the front door?
M: No, that would be silly. It’ll grow too big.
I’m going to put it at the back of the garage.
W: I thought it … better right at the end of the garden.
M: OK.
b. 注意对话中肯定与否定 回答. 例如常见的肯定回答: Yes/ Absolutely/ I agree with you… ;否定回答: No/ I’m not sure….
Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. In a classroom
B. In a library
C. In a bookstore

M: If that is the only copy on the self,
I'll give you a discount.
Where are the speakers? 09全国2.
A. In a restaurant
B. In a hotel
C. In a school
M: I like to stay two nights, please. W: Do you want full board or half board?...
M: What's the difference? W: Full board includes all meals and half
board includes just breakfast and dinner.
Where will the swimming competition be held?
A. At the school swimming pool
B. At the Jackson Sports Center
C. At the New Town Swimming Pool
Boys and girls, can I have your attentions, please?
This is a message for Grade Seven and Eight.
Because of the rain, the swimming competition will not
be held at the new town swimming pool as planed.
It will be held at the Jackson Sports Center.
Buses will be leaving school at ten to take you to
the center. You will be returning to school this aftern


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