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Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution
<Adopted at tol of environmental noise pollution into their environmental protection plans and adopt economic and technological policies and measures to protect the acoustic environment.
Article 5 Local people's governments at various levels shall, when drawing up urban and rural development plans, give full consideration to the impact of noise emitted by construction projects and regional development and renovation projects on the living environment of the neighbourhood, make unified plans and rationally arrange the layout of the function areas and the buildings, in order to prevent or minimize environmental noise pollution.
Article 6 The competent administrative department for environmental protection under the State Council shall exercise unified supervision and administration of the prevention and control of environmental noise pollution throughout the country.
The competent administrative departments for environmental protection of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall exercise unified supervision and administration of the prevention and control of environmental noise pollution within their respective administrative regions.
The competent administrative departments for public security, communications, railways and civil aviation as well as harbour superintendency administration at various levels shall, within their respective functions and duties, exercise supervision and administration of the prevention and control of noise pollution by traffic and social activities.
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Article 7 All units and individuals shall have the obligation to protect the acoustic environment and shall have the right to inform against and accuse any unit or individual that pollutes the environment with noise.
Article 8 The State encourages and supports scientific research and technological development relating to the prevention and contr