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文档介绍:用心辅导中心 高三英语
Never give up,never give in ,you are the best !
  1. We had ___________ wonderful time___out D. within
  15. I coutdn't have got to the meeting on time____________ an earlier train.
  A. if I had not caught B. unless I had caugh
  C. if ! did not catch D. unless I caugh
  16. The black horse is___________ of the pair.
  A. the strongest B. the stronger
  C. the strong D. quite strong
  17. It is a rule in his family that __________ comes home earlier should cook the dinner for the family.
  A. anybody B. who C. who that D. whoever
  18. I really wonder__________ he has posted me many parcels___________ we didn't work together.
  A how ,after B why,when Cwhen,before D why,since
  19. --How long ___________ each other before they__________ married?
  --For about a year.
  A. have they known;get
  B. did they know; were going to get
  C. do they know;are going to get
  D. had they known; got
  20. Michael __________ here to see you and he____________ a note on your desk.
  A. has come; had left
  B. has been; has left
  C. has come; left
  D. has been; left
  21. -When__________ and visit our exhibition next month?
    - When_______, I will let you know.
  A. will he come; he will come
  B. will he come; he comes
  C. does he come; he will come
  D. does he come; he comes
用心辅导中心 高三英语
Never give up,never