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《冀教版英语八年级上册》Lesson 4.ppt

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《冀教版英语八年级上册》Lesson 4.ppt

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《冀教版英语八年级上册》Lesson 4.ppt


文档介绍:Me and My Class Me and My ClassUnit 1Best FriendsLesson 4 课文呈现知识讲解………… Lesson4 Best Friends课堂导入课文1课堂小结课后作业…课堂练****词汇听写同学们,上一课学****的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!How should we get on with our best friends?THINK ABOUT IT·Who is your best friend? What do you like about him/her?·Did you ever argue with your best friend? Why? Patrick and Grant are best friends. They are like“two peas in a pod”.One day,the two best friends stopped?talking to each other. Why? Grant wanted ?to copy Patrick's homework. That way,hecould spend more time playing basketball ?. But to his surprise?,Patrick didn't agree.“No way! I can't help you like that,”said Patrick.“What a friend!”Grant said angrily. Patrick felt awful. He said,“I won't lend?you my homework. Friends don't help each other like that. That's cheating!” That afternoon,they parted and went their own ways. In the following days,they both felt bad. A few days later,there was a school basketball game. Patrick went to the gym to watch it. Grant was there,too. At the end of?the game,the two friends looked at each other. Grant immediately came over and held out his hand. He wanted to say something,but he felt embarrassed. Patrick smiled and said,“Good friends don't have to say sorry. They just know it. I want to be your friend,not your enemy.” That day the two boys made a deal. They would do their own homework first and play basketball TipA simple sentence contains only one independent clause. Look at these:Patrick didn't agree.(Subject +Intransitive Verb)The two boysmadea deal.(Subject +Transitive Verb +Object)Patrickfeltawful.(Subject +Link Verb +Predicative)Iwon't lendyoumy homework.(Subject +Verb +Indirect Object +Direct Object)讲解来自《点拨》知识点1stop /st?p/ 【重难点、易错点】辨析stop doing to do sth. stop doing sth.“停止做某事”指将stop后的动作停止That girl stopped 。stop to do sth.“停下来去做某事”指停止其他事情,开始做stop后的动作Tom stopped to have a rest because he felt t