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上传人:beny00001 2016/10/10 文件大小:1.20 MB




文档介绍:燕山大学管理学硕士学位论文IIAbstractThe ocean is referred to as the sixth continent for its abundant resource and energy. With the ocean economy ing, sea island tourism has turned into the rising research field in tourism development. Our country possesses wide land resource and abundant ocean resource, but sea island tourism development (SITD) is still in an initial stage, and correlative study grows slowly. We should borrow the essful experience of SITD from some famous sea islands domestic and overseas to direct SITD in our the view ofanalyzing tourism development of Changdao inShandong province, the paper dissects the existing problems and restrictive factors in its SITD, then utilizes the essful experience from some famous sea islands and puts forward the proposition of tourism planning and some strategies in paper expoundsthe history of SITD and analyzes the types and characteristics of SITD, then introduces tourism present conditions of some famous sea islands both domestic and overseas and gains their experience of investigation achievements, it parative analysesbetween Changdao and those famous sea islands, dissects the present condition and existing problems as well as restrictive factors in SITD of Changdao. In ession, the paper evaluates the qualification of tourism development in Changdao, formulates the guiding ideology and principles of tourism planning and raises prehensive goal of tourism development. The paper also puts forward some strategies on SITD in Changdao. This offers guidance for SITD in the future in tourism development; sea island tourism development; tourism planning; ecological environment; marine culture; %的海洋以其丰富的资源广阔的空间以及对地球环境和气候的巨大调节作用成为全球生命系统的一个基本组成部分同时也是人类实现可持续发展的宝贵财富随着海洋经济的发展海洋的重要性逐渐被人们所认识它已成为具有战略意义的开发领域社会发展到今天人***炸性膨胀陆地资源日渐减少发展空间日益狭窄人类把开发的目标转向海洋是目前条件下的必然选择21世纪将成为海洋开发的新世纪[1]海岛是海洋领土的重要组成部分是加大海洋开发的前哨阵地在开发海洋发展海洋经济中发挥着重要的作用伴随海洋经济时代的到来海岛旅游将成为21世纪的旅游热点


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