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上传人:你的晚安吻 2022/2/26 文件大小:21 KB




经典的英语自我介绍 篇【1】
 like to find a job which is more challenging. morover motorola is a global company, so i feel i can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. that is the reason why i come here to compete for this position.
  i think im a good team player and im a person of great honesty to others. also i am able to work under great pressure.
  that’s all. thank you for giving me the chance.
经典的英语自我介绍 篇【2】
  hello everyone, i am glad that we will be able to come to classes one and representatives english for me. my name is hanshuwei, the 15-year-old. i like english and writing. i hope in the days ahead we can work together to learn english!
  i am a beautiful/handsome girl/boy whose name is nicolejiao. why i say that i am beautiful, because i have not got freckles, pimples, wrinkles, bags under the eyes crows feet at the corners

of the eyes, also you can say me has an exquisite face that softens everyones heart.
  the problem is no one agrees with years ago, because of the chinese reform and open policies. my father leaved changchun to shenzhen with hopeful spirit, in order to make a happiness life in the future. at that time, i was only 1 years old.
  i like art. when i was a child. i learned how to play the piano, sing


为什么要培训 33页

《LED芯片制作流程》课件 19页

中班安全教育防校园欺凌 27页

中学艾滋病宣讲 32页

以目标为话题高中作文集合6篇 9页

可视电话终端战略市场规划报告 79页

浸膏剂战略市场规划报告 76页

绘图、计算及测量仪器竞争策略分析报告 65页

2024年酚类项目资金申请报告代可行性研究报告.. 60页

学生代表迎新演讲稿4篇 100页

给上幼儿园的孩子未来的家长寄语(60条) 87页

2024年电流测量仪表项目资金筹措计划书代可行.. 56页

2024年电磁阀:蒸汽电磁阀项目资金申请报告代.. 56页

适合01岁宝宝做的游戏9则 14页

高中毕业自我鉴定汇集8篇 13页

幼儿园开学典礼园长致辞模板 11页

青年教师座谈会班主任发言稿 8页

大学师范生自我鉴定大学师范生自我鉴定表范文.. 8页

外压无折边斜锥壳容器临界压力计算方法的研究.. 2页

复杂大电网中基于级联失效的双网可靠性分析的.. 2页

壳聚糖席夫碱的盐水缓蚀评价及机理研究的开题.. 2页

基片集成功率合成放大技术研究的开题报告 2页

基于风光电互补建筑节能控制器的研究与实现的.. 2页

基于降低线损的地区电网结构优化研究的开题报.. 2页

基于逆向物流的汽车回收处理中心布局研究的开.. 2页

基于超支化聚缩水甘油醚的接枝聚合物的合成研.. 2页

基于词语搭配知识和语法功能匹配的句法分析器.. 2页

基于衔接理论对高考短文改错题型的分析的开题.. 2页

基于自组装制备的多色荧光β-环糊精聚合物及性.. 2页

电梯维保报价书 3页