文档介绍:2021 年 2 月第 37 卷第 1 期 93
基质和生根剂对火力楠扦插生根的影00%peat soil and 65% peat soil+25%raft+10%perlite) and 3 different levels of ABT concentration (800、
500 and 333 mg/kg). The results indicated that substrate type, as well as the rooting agent concentration level
showed significant impacts on the cutting rooting of M. macclurei although these two factors did not interact with
each other significantly; 100% yellow soil was the optimal substrate and the lower ABT concentration was better
than the two higher levels. However, all the 3 rooting agents showed no effect on stimulating the cutting rooting
comparing with the control group which meant exogenous hormone was not necessary and the yellow soil was
effective for the cutting rooting of M. macclurei studied in our research.
Key words ABT; rooting agent concentration level; yellow soil; cutting propagation; rooting rate
* 基金项目:广东省林业科技计划项目(2018-01),广东省林业科技创新项目(2018KJCX01)。
通信作者:谢佩吾(1982—),女,副研究员,主要从事林木遗传改良研究,E-mail: ******@。
万方数据94 林 业 与 环 境 科 学 2021 年 2 月第 37 卷第 1 期
火力楠 Michelia macclurei 又名醉香含笑,是 为材料开展扦插试验,以期筛选出适合的生根剂
木兰科 Magnoliaceae 含笑属 Michelia 多年生常绿 和基质为良种推广提供技术支撑,本文是试验结