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文档介绍:2 2
3 2nd D esulphur iza tion Character istic of Ca Ba sed Absorben ts
CHENG Shi qing, ZHAO J ian li, L I Guan peng, FENG Yu bin
(College of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University, J inan 250061, China)
Abstract: The m icrostructure and the pore size distribution of 4 kinds of shells ( scallop shell, trumpet shell, clam shell
and ark shell) and 2 kinds of limestones were measured with pore master mercury porosimeter, and the desulphurization
characteristics of above absorbents were tested with thermal gravimetric analyzer. A s a result, the calcium oxide from shells
have higher pore volume with pore diameter above 0. 1μm, while the particles from limestones have lower pore volume with
pore diameter between 0. 005 to 0. 1μm, but the surface area are very high. The bigger pore which diameter is above 0. 1
μm in shell has many advantages, such as fewer air blocked pores, lower gas diffusing resistance, and almost simultaneous
and comp leted reaction. So, the calcium conversion rates of the shells are greater than that of limestones. Under the condi
tion of gas diffusion, it is effective for desulphurization to red


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