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Jane,Eyre,英文简介-简介 英文.docx

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Jane,Eyre,英文简介-简介 英文.docx

上传人:文档百货 2022/2/28 文件大小:32 KB


Jane,Eyre,英文简介-简介 英文.docx



第 2 页 共 ls outside, and her student is a girl of less than 10 years old, Adelaara, and Rochester is her protector.
  One day at dusk, Jane loves to go out for a walk, and meet the owner who has just returned from abroad. This is the first time they meet. Later, she found her master is a character melancholy, moody man, her attitude is good and bad. The whole house is empty and sometimes hear a creepy strange laughter. One day Jane was awakened by his laughter in his sleep and found that Rochesters room was burning, Jane Eve awakened him and helped him with the fire.

  After Rochester comes back there is a regular banquet. In a banquet to a man named Ingmar beautiful lady gallant, Jane love was called into the living room, but by Blanche mother and daughter of the cold, she endured humiliation, left the living room. At this point, she has fallen in love with Rochester. In fact, Rochester has also fallen in love with Jane, he just wanted to try Jane love love for their own. When he marries Jane Eyre, she promised him.
  On the eve of the wedding, Jane loves to see an abominable woman in the hazy, wearing her wedd


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