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[关于英语诗歌带翻译朗诵] 英语诗歌朗诵著名诗歌.docx

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[关于英语诗歌带翻译朗诵] 英语诗歌朗诵著名诗歌.docx

上传人:羹羹 2022/2/28 文件大小:33 KB


[关于英语诗歌带翻译朗诵] 英语诗歌朗诵著名诗歌.docx



第 1 页 共  My kin dont need to fuss and moan 亲人不必埋怨,悲惨---
  Moss does not cling to rolling stone. 滚石不生苔,我也不聚财
  My body? Oh, if I could choose, 遗体怎么办?---哦,假如还有商议
  To ashes Id let it reduce, 我愿它化为一撮灰烬
  And let the merry breeze blow 让欢快的柔风把它轻扬

  My dust to where some flowers grow. 吹到鲜花盛开的地方
  Perhaps some fading flowers then 或许有些正在凋谢的花儿
  Would come to life and bloom again. 会因此复活,重新怒放
  This is my last and final will, 这便是我最终的遗愿
  Good luck to all of you! 祝你们全部的人华蜜安康!
  关于英语诗歌带翻译:What makes a man?
  ---Hamlin Garland
  Do you fear the force of the wind 你可胆怯寒风凛冽,
  The slash of the rain? 你可畏惧大雨滂沱
  Go face them and fight them, 去迎着风雨努力拼搏
  Be savage again .还你原始本色
  Go hungry and cold like the wolf 象狼一样去经受饥寒
  Go wade like the crane. 象鹤一般去跋涉河川
  The palms of your hands will thicken, 你的手掌变得厚实茁壮
  The skin of your cheeks will tan 你的脸庞晒得古铜发亮
  Youll grow ragged and weary and swarthy,你会变得衣衫褴褛,皮肤乌黑,疲倦不堪,
  But you will walk like a man! 但你步履沉稳,是个堂堂男子汉!

第 5 页