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第 2 页 共 oncerned about each other, mutual exchange of experience, let us squareMore neat. Thirteen companies, even though this company formed only a short period of ten days, but it has been firmly in memory in each of the hearts of thirteen, 13 is the pride of the entire battalion! We created it Honor, and we are proud of it!
  In the days to come, I can not do a greenhouse flowers, I want to be a towering trees, thrive! For the motherlands future and make due contributions. I will be brave and firm in their own life on the road ahead.
  No pain, a harvest, it is true Yeah, did not pay no gain. Twelve days of military training, for each student is how hard, pay less in training how can there be greater gains? I hope everyone in the world can realize the true meaning of this one, to do well, have to pay; to do better, have to pay more.

  Military training, I believe experienced or not experienced people are tired of its reaction, bitter. Indeed, strict work and rest time, long training, hot dazzling sun ... ... This allows us to have been spoiled people who really can not bear to eat a bit. Bu