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上传人:羹羹 2022/2/28 文件大小:34 KB





rong points, to side person study, after knew very well the personhood, works first the truth which, makes money again.

  insufficient:young, it is realistic but perhaps is not the question.
  the experience, i study, the work place after all in changsha, no matter is the product and the customer, the limitation is very big, moreover designs should not receive limits.
  after 3 year social studies, the present i very clear own insufficiency, and have a good point of view, goes facing side geographical position has decided humans position! companys platform to the staff is very important, simultaneously the city economical development regarding the design profession also is very my honest intense enrichment age is precisely the working zeal is full, i dont want in all too to cross am smooth and am irrevocable, i need to challenge dont want to go too to pursue the is i recruits your firms reason.
  salary request and welfare: each company all has its salary standard, i thought the company cannot treat unjustly any ability staff who can creates the value for the company. specialized skill: 1. have good point of view and the professional . skilled cad, photoshop, handpainted performance.

  name: ms. gender: female
  wedlock: married nation: han
  residence: jiangxi-yichun age: 33
  location: guangdong-dongguan height: 158cm
  target locations: guangdong-dongguan、 guangdong-huizhou
  target positions: tr


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