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上传人:杏杏铺 2022/2/28 文件大小:31 KB






第 2 页 共 ing busy.

  We were thrilled to know that the English community had been preparing for it. Everyone is looking forward to todays presentation. The fourth grade class began to perform the peacock of pride, the beautiful peacock because he was too proud to look down on others. But a few other small animals are very good, helping in the case of the peacocks, showing the importance of friendship. The two classmates performed the chorus, and several mini santas stood out. Ifyouarehappy... The song, though simple, was greeted with applause.
  At noon, the campus is more colorful and the English version of where is dad going? has become a hot topic for students. Many of my classmates sang along. And the little indians made the students very interesting; The faces of the students who make faces make everyone happy, and the act of being a gorilla is dull and clumsy, fully embodying the cuteness of the primitive man.
  I am going to have a good nights sleep and see if there is a gift from Santa Claus in my stocking the next day...

第 3