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上传人:飞行的笑笑 2022/2/28 文件大小:12 KB




文档介绍:[大学英语四级听力真题及答案 ]大学英语四级真题听
Conversation One 19. tion
One M: Hi, Shelley. Come on in. W: Uh, yeah, I
stopped by to see if you were stilllooking for a roommate to share
your house. M: Yep. I sure am. Ever since I cut back on myworking
hours to go to school, I
“ve been reallystrapped for cash. Hey, let
me show you around theplace. Uh, here
“s the living room. W: Oh.
It looks like you could use a new carpet... and those stains M: Well.
I"ve had a few problems with some former roommates. I know it
needs to be cleaned,but I just don"t have the money to do it right
now. W: Oh. And what about the kitchen M: Right this way. Look.
It"s completely furnished with all the latest appliances, except... Well, the refrigerator door is broken... a little bit... and it won"t shut all the way. It needsfixing, but don"t worry. I"ve pushed a box against it to keep it shut. W: Hmm. Great. Well, how about the bathroom ... No, no. Don"t tell me. The toilet is cloggedor the sink has a few leaks. M: No, those work fine. Well, there"s another slight problem. The windows. I"ve put up a pieceof cardboard to keep out the rain and snow, and if it gets a little cold, you can always turn upthe heat. W: Hey, I think I"ve seen enough. I can"t believe you"ve survived under these conditions. M: So what do you


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