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人工智能的英文 人工智能的出现英文.docx

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人工智能的英文 人工智能的出现英文.docx

上传人:羹羹 2022/3/1 文件大小:32 KB


人工智能的英文 人工智能的出现英文.docx



第 2 页 共 nce, the 20th century 70s has been considered as one of the three world advanced technology (space technology, energy technology, artificial intelligence). Is also considered the 21st century (genetic engineering, nano science, artificial intelligence) one of three technologies. This is because nearly three years it has been developed rapidly, in many disciplines have extensively, and have made great achievements, artificial intelligence has gradually become an independent branch, both in theory and practice to a system already separated. Artificial intelligence is that computer to simulate people study some of

  the thinking process and intelligent behavior subject, mainly including computer intelligent principle, manufacturing is similar to the brain, the computer intelligent computer can achieve higher level of application.
  Artificial intelligence will involve computer science and psychology, philosophy and linguistics, and other disciplines. Can say is almost natural science and social science disciplines, the scope of all already far exceeded the computer science category, artificial intelligence and t


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