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第 2 页 共 and other phenomena in the encroached land. absolute reality can not be optimistic! save food, is the obligation of every citizen, not that your life is better, you can afford to waste a waste. waste is a shameful act. as long as there is awareness of conservation, in fact, doing it very simple: how much to eat a meal containing the number, do not throw leftovers; a la carte meal in a restaurant should be moderate, rather than show off, mess stretch. remember: save food from me.

  1986 fifth world food survey results: 112 developing countries (excluding china and other socialist countries) in the period 1979-1981 with - million people are malnourished. united nations population fund (imf) announced the early 1980s, when world cereal production could feed 6 billion people. but at the same time, the world's population only 45 million or so, but there are 450 million people go hungry. in 11015, world population growth to 57 million hungry population to 10 million. in 1972, for two consecutive years because of global climate anomalies caused by crop failure, coupled with the former soviet union a large number o