文档介绍:中国当代医药 年 月第 卷第 期
2021 2 28 4 · 差异有统计学意义 P 结论 温阳
6 , (PAC-QOL) , ( <)。
通便方配合中药热敷治疗老年功能性便秘 具有显著的效果 在缓解便秘程度 降低复发率 提高生活质量等方
, , 、 、
面具有明显的优势 值得临床重视和推广应用
, 。
[中图分类号] [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2021)2(a)-0177-04
Clinical effect of formula with warming yang to promote defecation com-
bined with Chinese herbal medicines for warm compress in the treatment
of functional constipation in the elderly
LI Hui-yi1 ZHAO Li-shuang2 WANG Ze3 ZHOU Hai-feng4
1. Department of Disease Prevention, Dehui Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Jilin Province, Dehui 130300,
China; 2. The First Department of Internal Medicine, Dehui Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Jilin Province, De-
hui 130300, China; 3. Department of Internal Medicine, Dehui Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Jilin Province,
Dehui 130300, China; 4. Department of Orthopedics, Dehui Traditional Chinese Medicine Hos