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第 2 页 共 ery spring, is her first budding, awakens the sleeping earth, report to the people in the spring of information; Is she the first green dress, brought vitality to the beautiful spring. She is a harbinger of the messenger.
  6, spring is coming, willow to bloom her tree, deeply, softly as he looked at her, as she smiled to you, you will melt in her laughter.

  The weather gradually warm, gradual recovery in all things. Left is withered grass, withering flower, the frozen creek. And that voice is not, he slid the veils the sleeves like a breeze, the flowers from the flower bone, the grass grow the bud, the ice in the river also. Ah! Spring is coming.
  Look! Home of the basin of chlorophytum to offer flowers, with floral notes, is invigorating. Outside the home, I saw in the poplar tree long out of the little green shoot, much like a beautiful angel! A spring breeze brushed, the tree has grown out of young leaves gently floating in the wind, as if to say: good cool wind!
  Walk to the river, I saw the shore poplar also drew the wicker pale green, is gently stroked the earth, the gre


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