文档介绍:M/T SYSTEMTM-63< FUNCTION DIAGNOSIS >[6MT: RS6F52A]CEFGHIJKLMABTMNOP4WD1. Transaxle case2. 3rd input gear3. 3rd-4th synchronizer hub4. 3rd-4th coupling sleeve5. 4th input gear6. 5th input gear7. 5th-6th synchronizer hub8. 5th-6th coupling sleeve9. 6th input gear10. Input shaft rear bearing11. Mainshaft rear bearing12. 6th main gear13. 5th main gear14. 4th main gear15. 3rd main gear16. 2nd main gear17. 1st-2nd synchronizer hub18. 1st-2nd coupling sleeve19. 1st main gear20. Reverse main gear21. Differential side bearing22. Differential case assembly23. Final gear24. Output gear assembly25. Reduction gear26. Mainshaft front bearing27. Mainshaft28. Input shaft29. Input shaft front bearing30. Clutch housing31. Reverse idler shaft32. Reverse idler gear (front)33. Reverse coupling sleeve34. Reverse idler gear (rear)TM-64< FUNCTION DIAGNOSIS >[6MT: RS6F52A]M/T SYSTEMSystem DescriptionDOUBLE-CONE SYNCHRONIZERMR20DE and QR25DEDouble-cone synchronizer are adopted for 1st and 3rd gears to reduce operating force of the control -cone synchronizer is adopted for 3rd gear to reduce operating force of the control -CONE SYNCHRONIZERMR20DE and QR25DETriple-cone synchronizer is adopted for 2nd gear to reduce operating force of the control -cone synchronizer are adopted for 1st and 2nd gears to reduce operating force of the control GEAR NOISE PREVENTION FUNCTION (SYNCHRONIZING METHOD)Reverse gear can be matched smoothly in a structure by setting syn-chronizer hub (1) of reverse idler gear (rear), reverse couplingsleeve (2), reverse baulk ring (3), and reverse insert spring (4) toreverse idler gears, and letting reverse gear be : Reverse idler gear (rear)6 : Reverse idler gear (front)BACK-UP LAMP SWITCHTM-65< COMPONENT DIAGNOSIS >[6MT: RS6F52A]PONENT DIAGNOSISBACK-UP LAMP ponent Parts ponent BACK-UP LAMP SWITCHCheck continuity between back-up lamp switch terminals with control lever tu