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贝多芬英文事例 [贝多芬的英文简介].docx

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贝多芬英文事例 [贝多芬的英文简介].docx



increasingly weak hearing, 1813 - 1817 Beethovens creation is also a temporary decline; 1818 - 1827 Beethoven left ear deafness, health deterioration, forty-six Beethoven hearing has been completely lost.
  Childhood experience
  December 16, 1770, Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, poor families. The father is the mediocre choir of the house choir of the tenor, the mother is a much tortured palace chefs daughter. His grandfather was the chief of the Bonn Palace Orchestra. In his fathers strict training, Beethoven revealed the music of talent, but Beethoven is often beaten by his father.

  Beethoven 4 years old will play the harpsichord, and get the reputation of the music prodigy; at the age of 5 suffering from otitis media; 8 years old began to perform on stage; 10 years old, he was the most famous music education in Prussia Beethovens 11-year-old first Piano Variations at the age of 12; 12 years old by Nie Feis recommendation, to Waltersteins palace band as organist assistant, then Beethovens music servant The career began. 13-year-old Beethoven participated in the court band as an organist and an old pianist.
  Study experience
  In 1781 Beethoven followed the band conductor Kristian Gott Roberto Nefer learning piano and composer, Beethoven also with Franz Anton Reese learn violin, under the guidance of the new teacher makes Beethoven began to form their own unique style of.
  In 1787 to Vienna, began to follow Mozart, Haydn and others to learn composition, at the beginning, Mozart wanted to see his ability to let him play music, Mozart heard his playing after the prediction of one day Beethoven will shake the world The


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