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飞利浦 QC5530_中英文说明书.pdf

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飞利浦 QC5530_中英文说明书.pdf

上传人:wangzhidaol 2016/10/28 文件大小:1.85 MB


飞利浦 QC5530_中英文说明书.pdf


文档介绍:-If the adapter is damaged, always have it replaced with one of the original type in order to avoid a hazard.-Do not use the appliance when thecutting element orone of b attachments is damaged or broken, as this may cause injury.-This appliance is only intended for clipping head not use it for any other purpose.-If the appliance is subjected to a major change in temperature, pressure or humidity, let the appliance acclimatise for 30 minutes before you use pliance with standards-The plies with the internationally approved IEC safety regulations and can be safely cleaned under the tap().-This Philips plies with all standards regarding ic fields (EMF). If handled properly and according to the instructions in this user manual, the appliance is safe to use based on scientific evidence available the appliance for at least 1 hour before you use it for the first time orafter a long period of disuse. When the appliance isfully charged, it hasa cordless clipping time of up to 1 hour. When the charging light flashes orange,the battery is running low (approx. 7 minutes of operating time left)and you need to recharge the sure the appliance is switched the appliance plug into the appliance and insert the adapter into the wall socket().,The charging light starts to flash white to indicate that the appliance is charging().


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