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文档介绍:Teaching Reflection
一。English composition teaching in junior middle school ,English writing teaching should be closely ognition, encouragement。 Interest is the driving force of learning。
Timely and accurately understand the development of the students' writing level can make teachers in the teaching process less detours, Reduce blindness。 Classroom time limit composition is particularly necessary. The design of time limited composition, The best synchronization in the teaching of the course of students。 The teacher can let the students be writing a composition, Put in file bag after evaluation, An evaluation of the end of writing as a student. Through the establishment of student writing file bag, Teachers have a clear understanding of the stage and the whole process of writing, So as to provide timely guidance to students, And students can adjust their writing strategies in a timely and effective manner.(精品文档请下载)
2. To pay attention to the writing practice after class。 When student have a piece of writing practice, the teacher must do the following: (1) Let the students make full preparations before class, and make a list of the writing outline。 (2) For each one airs his own views discussed in class.(3) Let them ”for” rich outline to form a passage。(4) After class modification。
三Expansion of junior high school English Teaching Approach(精品文档请下载)