页码:第- 1 -页共13页
记住一点,不论是send还是received,动作都是ith 8K blocksize
-a, --ascii ASCII transfer (change CR/LF to LF)
-b, --binary binary transfer
页码:第- 4 -页共13页
-B, --bufsize N buffer N bytes (N==auto: buffer whole file)
-c, --command COMMAND execute remote command COMMAND (Z)
-C, --command-tries N try N times to execute a command (Z)
-d, --dot-to-slash change . to / in pathnames (Y/Z)
--delay-startup N sleep N seconds before doing anything
-e, --escape escape all control characters (Z)
-E, --rename force receiver to rename files it already has
-f, --full-path send full pathname (Y/Z)
-i, --immediate-command CMD send remote CMD, return immediately (Z)
-h, --helpprint this usage message
-k, --1k send 1024 byte packets (X)
-L, --packetlen N limit subpacket length to N bytes (Z)
-l, --framelen Nlimit frame length to N bytes (l=L) (Z)
-m, --min-bps N stop transmission if BPS below N
-M, --min-bps-time N for at least N seconds (default: 120)
-n, --newer send file if source newer (Z)
页码:第- 5 -页共13页
-N, --newer-or-longer send file if source newer or longer (Z)
-o, --16-bit-crcuse 16 bit CRC instead of 32 bit CRC (Z)
-O, --disable-timeoutsdisable timeout code, wait forever
-p, --protectprotect existing destination file (Z)
-r, --resume resume interrupted file transfer (Z)
-R, --restrictedrestricted, more secure mode
-q, --quiet quiet (no progress reports)
-s, --stop-at {HH:MM|+N} stop transmission at HH:MM or in N seconds
--tcp build a TCP connection to transmit files
--tcp-serveropen socket, wait for connection
-u, --unlink unlink file after transmission
-U, --uestrictturn off restricted mode (if allowed to)
-v, --verbosebe verbose, provide debugging information
-w, --windowsize N Window is N