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谈谈网购的利与弊Talk about Shopping on the 1500字.doc

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谈谈网购的利与弊Talk about Shopping on the 1500字.doc

上传人:好用的文档 2022/3/7 文件大小:12 KB


谈谈网购的利与弊Talk about Shopping on the 1500字.doc



文档介绍:谈谈网购的利与弊Talk about Shopping on the internet_1500字
谈谈网购的利与弊Talk about Shopping on the internet1. 现在流行网上购物 我是06年开始网谈谈网购的利与弊Talk about Shopping on the internet_1500字
谈谈网购的利与弊Talk about Shopping on the internet1. 现在流行网上购物 我是06年开始网上购物的,先后在淘宝、京东、卓越还有一些垂直类商城上买过东西,我的第一部相机是在京东买的,后来笔记本也在京东买,京东的好处是价格比线下超市便宜,送货速度也还不错,广州市内的话三天内到,市外就要慢点。 2. 网上购物的利弊 弊端嘛,主要是看不到真实货物,到手后可能跟期望的样子有点落差,还有就是物流有时会比较慢。 3. 文章最后也谈到了我的网购的个人看法。
Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology , shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters. Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example , shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorten the distance between manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in other cou