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文档介绍:交流接触器 3TF50,3TF51
Q/SMS 003,,DIN VDE 0660,
IEC 60947-4-1

XK06-201 0025 使用说明书
编号: 4NEB 526 4680-30 *3
中 配合类型2 A 224 224 -不熔焊I K <100×Ie A 160 160 -不熔焊I K ≥100×Ie A 200 200 辅助回路
额定工作电流Ie/AC-15/AC-11 在AC 230V 时 短路保护:
- 熔断器 NEOZED 和DIAZED gL(gG,16A
- 小型断路器 C 特性
10A B 特性
** 备注:按照IEC 60947/ VDE 0660 ,配合类型表示:
Contactor 3TF50,3TF51
Q/SMS 003,,DIN VDE 0660,IEC 60947-4-1
XK06-201 0025

Order No.: 4NEB 526 4680-30 *3

!Limited protection against contact with live parts
Safe from finger touch to DIN VDE 0106, Part 100.
Commissioning and maintenance by qualified personnel only. Follow the operating instructions.
DC economy connection see operating instructions 4NEB 526 4590-10
For dimension drawings see Fig. I (dimensions in mm .
Fix on a plain surface with two M6 screws –max. tightening torque . Always use plain washers and spring washers.
Cover the contactors during installation if foreign particles, such as swarf, can fall onto them. Install contactors in a housing if they are exposed to dirt, dust or aggressive atmospheres.
For permissible mounting positions see Fig. II
Tighten all terminal screws even if not used.
Permissible conductor cross-sections for main terminals: With box terminal (only 3TF50
In according to DIN EN 50 027 -- see Fig. III a

sleeve (mm 2 1 25 to 50 25 to 50 max. 2×50 Stranded (mm 2 1 25 to 70 25 to 70 max. 2×70 AWG wires, solid and stranded 3 to 2/0 3 to 2/0 max. 2×2/0 Stripped length 22 to 25 mm / 1 in Tightening torque 6 to 8 Nm / 52 to 70 1
The ends of non-stranded cables must be twisted or 25mm long ferrules to DIN 46228 Part 1 must be used.
Crimping tools PZ35 and PZ50 from Weidmuller are recommended for the end sleeves. Before mounting the box terminals (see Fig. III b ,the arc chute must be removed (see Fig. VII / 1,2,3 .


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