文档介绍:: .
Advances in Applied Mathematicsis used to discretize the space,
the discrete variational method is constructed on the time interval, and the Euler-Lagrange equa-
tion is variational. The simulation experiment uses MATLAB for numerical calculation. Taking the
forced vibration equation of a simply supported beam without axial motion under external excita-
tion as an example, the effects of the type of interpolation basis function, time step, interpolation
node type and simulation time on the solution are studied. The numerical results show that the
constraint and energy stability of the discrete variational method in a short time are better than
those of the classical Runge-Kutta method; under long-time simulation, the accuracy of the dis-
crete variational method is higher than that of Runge-Kutta method, and can maintain the stability
of constraints.
Partial Differential Equation of Beam Vibration, Differential Algebraic Equation, Discrete
Variational Method, Stability
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY ).
Open Access
1. 引言
梁振动方程在土木工程、电子、桥梁建设等领域有着广泛的应用[1] [2],该方程属于高阶偏微分方程,
方法、微分求积法等[4]。微分求积法具有数学原理简单、易于实现和计算高效性等优点[5] [6] [7]。王波