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上传人:非学无以广才 2022/3/10 文件大小:12 KB





  高考英语作文旨在通过主观性命题旳写作,来反映学生与否可以灵活运用掌握旳知识组织出一篇行文切题、语言得体、表达流畅且构造严谨旳高质量文章。下面是xx为您整顿旳有关2022年英语unfair to the students in the areas where radio signals cannot be picked up effectively. And for certain reasons, Talk about Tyler, there is a big difference in teachers and equipment between the countryside and the city.
  What is the most valuable thing in one’s life? I think there would be different answer for different person. There is no doubt that money is a necessary approach to make your dream come to true. What we want to do with the money is of cause to purchase the most valuable thing in our lives, in other words, the dreams.
  A house could offer you a place to live to make you feel warm and safe and a business maybe return you more money, but for me, a common person with no wild ambition but only like to live a common life and do some research that I am interested in, a house is more valuable than a I have a house even it’s small I will feel safe and I can do anything that I want to and needn’t to struggle difficultly to earn my living because the house could give me a free space that belongs to myself. But a business is no use for me because I don’t need much more money and don’t know how to do with it. In my own house,在互联网上(On the Internet), I could read books, listen to music, write something and have a break in my bed


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