哈 尔 滨 理 工 大 学
设 计 毕 业
题 目:基于3Ds Max软件的建筑效果图的制作
姓 名:曹慧子
指导教师:杨 罡
系 主 任:卢cessing games, visual effects and television production of person or cooperative team. Art workers can focus on innovation, optimize work continually and freely, provide the highest quality of final output with the minimal time. This rendering production’s process mainly
includes design, modeling, material and light, post processing.
Design is not only the design of space form, but also the conception of light - IV -
and material. The modeling, that establishment of the space form, is the first phase of the rendering production. It can design 3-d form according to the architectural plans imported from AutoCAD, and it also can design directly in 3Ds Max. Material and light are the life and soul of rendering. They are very key in the atmosphere and the true extent performance. The post-processing makes the rendering form 3Ds Max further modifications, beautification and perfection. In this production, modeling is made with 3Ds Max and AutoCAD, and material and light are edited with 3Ds Max, and Photoshop is used as post-processing software.
Keywords Architectural rendering production;Family overlooking
figure;3Ds Max;AutoCAD;Photoshop
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摘要 ...................................................................................................................... I
Abstract ............................................................................................................... II
第1章 绪论 ........................................................................................................ 1
课题背景 ................................................................................................... 1
国内外现状及发展前景 ........................................................................... 1
Autodesk 3Ds Max软件 ..................................................................... 1
AutoCAD软件 .............