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文档介绍:The woman smiled and handed the two boxes to Mary. “These are for you.”
“But why you give these to me? What should I do daughter would get home soon. The door opened when two lovely voice raise up. “Mom, we’ve come home.” Mary smiled. This was the first smile on her face today.
As they were having dinner, her younger daughter, said, “I find something in a antiquated suitcase just now. Mom, do you see it?” Crystal raise her arm with a thing linked by an old red string.”
“Yes. Do you like it?” Mary said softly, “but it is a little bit dirty. Let’s put it down. I’ll wash it after dinner and change a new string.”
“OK.” Crystal said exultingly.
As Mary finished the household duties, she washed the thing. To her surprise, it’s a Mitsubishi column with seven colors inside. She observed the Mitsubishi column prudentially. It looked like locking a bunch of rainbow in it. As her daughter said, it’s beautiful. But who would think it was a key. How dramatic it was! Before this moment, she never thought that the thing in her mind nearly a month would be in her house.
“Crystal,” Mary said, “can you tell me again where you find it?”
“A very old suitcase in the attic.”
As Mary got in the attic, she saw the antiquated suitcase. It belong to her grandfather, which contained some old thing about her grandparents. Mary opened the suitcase. It reminded her childhood that she spend with th