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文档介绍:i摘要党的十八大提出的全面建成小康社会,优化国土空间开发的战略布局,内蒙古自治区社会经济将迎来新的快速发展时期。但随着经济社会的快速发展,内蒙古省道网在规模布局、覆盖范围、网络效率、通达深度等方面凸显滞后,特别是国家公路网调整后,现有一半以上的省道升级为国家公路,原有省道路网体系发生较大变化,亟待重新进行规划调整。本文结合国内外公路网规划研究情况,在详细分析内蒙古自治区干线公路网现状的基础上,采用定性分析方法系统分析了社会经济发展对交通运输的需求。依据相关法规规划,综合考虑内蒙古国土资源、城镇体系、经济布局以及各层次公路在区域公路网中的作用和相互关系等因素,提出了省道的功能定位和规划目标。根据规划目标和功能定位,将普通国道和普通省道整体进行研究预测,以连通度法和类比法测算结果为基础,通过专家咨询论证,预测了普通国省干线公路网的整体规模,扣除国家已规划的国道规模,确定了内蒙古自治区省道公路网规模。然后以省道功能定位和规划目标为指向,以国家公路网规划方案和原省道布局方案为基础,按照“完善对外通道、增强旗县联系、扩大服务范围、提高网络效率”的总体思路,以单因素方法为补充,分层次对普通省道和地方高速公路进行布局,并对布局效果进行分析研究。通过规划,2030年内蒙古自治区省道公路网总里程达到2万公里,其中:、。关键词:交通运输;内蒙古;省道公路网;交通需求;布局规划iiAbstractAnew and rapid developing period of the Society economy e to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, thanks to the strategy pleting the building of a moderately prosperous society and optimizing the territorial development, proposed at the 18th National Congress of munist Party of China. However, the booming development of economic society revealed the downsides of the work of the Inner Mongolia, in terms of scale layout, covering area, network efficiency and linking range, etc., especially after an adjustmenton the National work. To date, half of the provincial highway has been upgraded to national highway. The original provincial highway system was profoundly affected, resulting in readjustment of paper uses the qualitative analysissystem to analyze the demands of transportation for the development of society economy, based on the study of domestic and work planning and the thorough analysis of the surrent situation for the Inner Mongolia Automatic Region work. According to relevant law and regulations, the highway functional orientaion and planning target has been proposed, considering the land resources of the Inner Mongolia, urban system planning, economic arrangement as well as the effect and relationship between all levels of highways and the regional work. prehensive study and prediction for ordinary national highway and provincial highw


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