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1.(2分)﹣Hello!How are you?
﹣ ( )
A.Who are yo.What D.How a
14.(1分)﹣Must I leave now?It's still raining hard outside.
﹣No,you .You can wait till the rain stops.( )
A.don't have to B.couldn't
C.can't D.shouldn't
15.(1分)Winter is season,and winter vacation is than summer vacation.( )
A.colder; the shortest B.the coldest; short
C.the coldest; shorter D.cold; shorter
16.(1分)I met Mary,and she lent me¥20.It was kind her to lend me the money.( )
A.for B.of C.with D.in
17.(1分)﹣Hi!Do you know Tom is cousin?
﹣Yes,and I am a friend of .Nice to meet you.( )
A.mine; him B.my; his C.mine; his D.my; him
18.(1分)Mr.Liu waiting here for about five minutes.( )
A.has been B.has come C.came D.arrived
19.(1分)How does Jane with her mother? making phone calls or chatting online?( )
A.keep in touch; With B.keeping touch; By
C.keep in touch; By D.keeping touch; With
20.(1分)﹣ do people like swimming?
﹣Because it is good for their health.( )
A.When B.Where C.What D.Why
21.(1分)Do you know how much Mary all these books?They only 200 yuan!( )
A.spent; cost B.paid for; spent
C.paid for; cost D.cost; spent
22.(1分)I know the lady is singing over there.She is our Chinese
teacher.( )
A.which B.who C.whom D.whose
23.(1分)Amanda feels because she is new here,so I try friends with her.( )
A.alone; to make B.lonely; make
C.lonely; to make D.alone; make
24.(1分)Can you tell me his new car?( )
A.where did Mike buy B.where bought Mike
C.where Mike buy D.where Mike bought
25.(1分)﹣Why didn't you come to the meeting yesterday?
﹣Sorry,I didn't know that I to come.( )
A.was asked B.have asked C.am asking D.asked

26.(1分)Jason used to be the last to leave school last month.( )
A.was used to B.was often C.was used D.got used to
27.(1分)John will call you in advance to tell you when and where to mee


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