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第 2 页 共 ren. In my spare time, I enjoy reading non-fiction books, and travelling to see many parts of the country. My Duke of Edinburgh award scheme enabled me to deal effectively with decision making within a group.
Out of College, a part-time job at a newsagent, over the past two years has given me responsibilities such as dealing with customers, stock and large amounts of money, and also being organised and punctual. At my secondary school, I helped to set up a student council, as I felt that there were student issues that needed to be dealt with. Other responsible positions I have held are both prefect, and fifth year representative at my previous school, and form representative on the student council at my present college. Work experience at an Estate Agent in Cambridge gave me good experience of working in a city and commuting, and also insight into an area of business. I hope to travel and work at an orphanage near to Jakarta, which I have maintained links with, and also to New Zealand. My career prospects are left open for now, but I do have interests in research and education.

My main priority for now is to