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  can + 动词原形 能/会做某事 a little + 不行数名词 一点儿
  join the club 加入俱乐部 like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜爱/宠爱做某事
  Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
  What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.
  You can join the English club. Sounds good.
  I can speak English and I can also play soccer. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3731.  初一下册英语试题
  一、单项选择(每空1分,共15 分)
  ( ) 1.----Dad, we can sports in school an hour a day now.
  ---- Really? That sounds great.
  A. to play B. plays C. play D. playing
  ( ) goes to school after breakfast every morning.
  A. the, the B. \, \ C. the, \ D. \, the
  ( ) 3. We should do more in our lessons.
  A. exercise B. exercises C. exercising D. exercised
  ( ) 4. The fish .
  A. taste well B. tastes well C. taste good D. tastes good

  ( ) 5. --- How many teachers are there in your school?
  --- About four .
  A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of
  ( ) 6. She often a train to school, sometimes she goes to school bus.
  A. takes, takes B. takes, by C. by, takes D. by, by
  ( ) 7. It will you a long time a language well.
  A. spend, learn B. to spend, to learn C. take, to learn D. take, learn
  ( ) 8. Li Tao is from a small village.
  A. a 11 years old boy B. a 11-year-old boy
  C. an 11-year-old boy D. an 11 years old
  ( ) teacher is very strict us our homework.
  A. in, in B. with, with C. in, with D. with, in
  ( ) 10. The movie is , and we are really very when we see it.
  A. relaxing