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纳米颗粒协同肋片强化相变材料传热性能试验 柴进.pdf

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纳米颗粒协同肋片强化相变材料传热性能试验 柴进.pdf

上传人:学习好资料 2022/3/17 文件大小:1.22 MB


纳米颗粒协同肋片强化相变材料传热性能试验 柴进.pdf


文档介绍:: .
储能科学与技速率,%石墨烯/PCM 温升速率较高,与其他组分的石墨
烯/PCM 相比传热效果更好;加入肋片可加快 PCM 内部温度响应,9 肋片/PCM 的整体传热性能优于其他数量
的肋片/PCM;纳米颗粒协同肋片结构可促进 PCM 传热性能的提升,9 肋片、%石墨烯/PCM 与 9 肋片、
%石墨烯/PCM 启动时间早,温升幅度高,传热性能好,为强化 PCM 传热性能中的较优组合。
doi: .2095-
中图分类号:TK01 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-4239(XXXX)XX-1-10
Experiment on heat transfer performance of phase change
materials strengthened by nanoparticles and fins
Chai Jin, Wang Jun, Ni Qiqiang
(Jiangsu University, School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Zhenjiang 212013, China)
Abstract: Paraffin was used as phase change material (PCM), and a PCM melting test system
was constructed. Subsequently, high thermal conductivity nanoparticles and metal fins were
added to PCM. The temperature data acquisition system was used to record the internal
temperature change trend in the melting process of PCM, so as to analyze the influence of the
mass fraction of nanoparticles and the number of fins on the heat transfer performance of
PCM. The results show that the addition of nanoparticles can effectively improve the
temperature rise rate of PCM. The temperature rise rate of % graphene /PCM is higher
and the heat transfer effect is better than other components of graphene /PCM. The addition of
fins can improve the internal temperature response of PCM, and the overall heat transfer
performance of 9 fins /PCM is better than that of


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