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机电专业英语课件part3-processing machine.ppt

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机电专业英语课件part3-processing machine.ppt

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机电专业英语课件part3-processing machine.ppt



文档介绍:Part3 Processing MachineUnit 1Engine LatheUnit 2The Non-Traditional Machining Hand-bookUnit 3Primary ProcessesUnit 1Engine LatheReading principal parts of an engine lathe and introduce their you know several methods to hold and move workpieces on the lathe is a machine that removes material by rotating the work against a cutter. Parts to be machined can be held between centers, attached to a face plate, supported in a jaw chuck, or held in a draw-in chuck or collet. Though this machine is particularly adapted to cylindrical work, it may also be used for many other purposes. Plain surfaces can be obtained by supporting the work on a face plate or in a chuck. Work held in this manner can likewise be centered, drilled, bored, or reamed. In addition, the lathe can be used for cutting threads and turning tapers; with the proper attachment, it can be adapted to simple milling or grinding operations. It is probably the oldest of all the machine tools as well as the most important machine in modern production. illustrates principal of an engine Parts of an Engine LatheBedThe main casting of an engine lathe is a horizontal member called a "bed". Planed surfaces on top of the bed, called "ways" or "vees", align the headstock and tailstock and guide the carriage so that it moves longitudinally parallel to the axis of the machine. Legs under the bed raise it so that the top is at a convenient working height above the floor. A chip pan under the bed collects chips and cutting fluid when one is used[1].Headstock The headstock of a lathe is a subassembly that is mounted on the inner ways at the left end of the bed. On a geared-head lathe, the headstock casting supports and encloses a train of gears that rotate the headstock spindle at rpm[2] which are suited to th


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