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上传人:梅花书斋 2022/3/18 文件大小:13 KB






外国典型英文诗词欣赏 英语诗歌同建筑艺术同样,也需要追求外在旳视觉艺术和造型艺术,讲 究外部旳象形、对称、参差和魅力,因此诗歌语言也具有建筑艺术美感。xx精 心收集了外国典型 realized what the doctor was saying. . . They were closer to the storm in the front seat. The high beams, weak as steam against the walled swirling, only illuminated what we couldn"t see. When he described it, the tumor in the brain and what it meant. . . See, we were children. Then we weren"t. Or my brother wasn"t. He was driving now, he gripped the steering wheel with both hands and stared hard at the panicked wipers. What did you feel Just sleet, the slick road, the car going way too fast,no brother beside me in the back seat, no singing father, no mother, no ring of Saturn to catch at as it floats. 外国典型英文诗词篇3 Slim Greer in Hellby Sterling A. Brown I Slim Greer went to heaven;
  St. Peter said, "Slim, You been a right good boy." An" he winked at him. "You been travelin" rascal In yo"day. You kin roam once mo";
  Den you come to stay. "Put dese wings on yo" shoulders, An" save yo" feet." Slim grin, and he speak up, "Thankye, Pete." Den Peter say, "Go To Hell an" see, All dat is doing, and Report to me. "Be sure to remember How everything go."Slim say, "I be seein" yuh On de late watch, bo." Slim got to cavortin" Swell as you choose, Like Lindy in de Spirit Of St. Louis Blues. He flew an" he flew, Till at last he hit A hangar wid de sign readin" DIS IS I


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