第 2 页 共 identally, he knows that act as a bill broker merely calls for knowledge of numbers. So he tried to find a manager in this field who named Jay twistie. With the help of persistence, interesting words and a Rubik’s cube, he acquires a chance of being an intern in Jay’s company. But there is only one person from six interns can be hired after six months’ non-wage work. It’s too difficult for Chris. At this moment, Chris’ wife leaves them two and move to New York. In the cause of no enough money, Chris and his son lose their house. They even live in the public washroom. Everything comes to him who waits. Finally, Chris wins the job and creates his own company. Yes, he makes it!
The major goal of studying hard in college is getting a great job when graduate. In my mind, after four-year-study, finding job is an unworried thing. Although we may find ourselves deeply in a terrible situation, it won’t be worse anymore. But what the hero has experienced completely turned my mind head to feet. We are those people who settling in a comfortable worldschool. And it’s time to thinking about